About Us

The African British Business Association (AfBBA) aims to act as an umbrella for trade, educational, science and technological institutions as well as Development Agencies in Africa and United Kingdom to foster better understanding and relationship develop between one another, particularly in resolving specific needs and concerns of others, in both regions.

AfBBA seeks to add value to the efforts and inputs of other businesses and organisations, for more effective outputs and towards regeneration and improvement of various sectors of the economies and livelihoods of everyone in the two regions.

AfBBA focus is not only on large institutions but also on those in the private sector such as agriculture, investments, infrastructure, education, health, environment, energy, Information & Communication Technology.

Our Aims & Objectives

– To improve economic, educational and social ties between African countries and the UK

– To encourage and provide assistance to businesses  and organisations in Africa and United Kingdom,  to improve and develop new trade opportunities with one another, and also ensuring that the concerns of businesses in both regions are addressed.

– To create a wider broader awareness of trade and investment opportunities in African countries
to UK businesses and to explore new strategies for improving trade and to engage with each other more effectively

– To explore opportunities for cooperation and for inwards/outwards investment into selective sectors of the UK and African economies for British companies.